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Harbor George Waterfront Facility Superstorm Problem Receives Superior Solution

CLIENT: New York Police Department (NYPD) / VALUE: $1.8M / TIMEFRAME: 18 months / SERVICES PROVIDED: Design Build

THE SITUATION: Harbor George, an existing waterfront facility, serves as the emergency backup site for the NYPD Emergency Services Harbor Command Unit (Harbor Charlie). The unit has over 150 officers patrolling 576 miles of waterfront surrounding New York City and an elite team of 31 scuba divers. Following the partial destruction of Harbor Charlie during Superstorm Sandy, the NYPD needed an emergency backup unit at Harbor George to protect against a potential future loss of Harbor Charlie Command.

THE CHALLANGE: Create a structurally sound and fully functional back-up facility utilizing the existing Harbor George command structure, while upgrading the centers aesthetic and technology. Harbor George also needed to remain operational during the

entire process. 

THE SOLUTION: Creative but simple structural solutions.

The Harbor Unit and CLS operated from a shared trailer keeping the unit operational during construction. CLS developed a full foundational support plan/design ensuring a third level could be added to the structure while eliminating the need to drive piles in the low bearing soil. A protection plan involving multiple systems and engineering techniques was also developed guaranteeing the facility remains fully operational during severe weather.


THE RESULT: Emergency backup ready for action.

Through CLS’ precise planning and engineering, Harbor George functions at full capacity and provides the NYPD Harbor Unit with a backup Command Center during a critical emergency.

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